General Mental Health Websites
Anxiety Canada provides a range of free online self-help resources on anxiety, including comprehensive video and audio libraries and a step-by-step anxiety management program based on CBT.
The Canadian Mental Health Association provides helpful resources to further your understanding about mental illnesses and their treatment.
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is Canada's largest mental health teaching hospital and provides reliable information guides, online tutorials, and much more to help dispel the myths and stigma surrounding mental illness and support you on the road to recovery.
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service offers a self-assessment tool, mental wellbeing audioguides, and self-help resources on a variety of topics.
The United States’ National Institute of Mental Health offers expert-reviewed brochures and fact sheets on mental disorders and related topics.

Carefully choosing where you get your mental health information is the best way to ensure the accuracy of what you read. Get informed by the leading experts at these credible organizations.

If traditional therapy isn’t in your budget right now, there’s no reason to wait to start making changes to improve your wellbeing given the number of free online mental health programs available.
Free Online Programs
AbilitiCBT.com – This internet-based CBT program is free to residents of Ontario and Manitoba. You’ll complete a brief online questionnaire of your needs before being matched with a registered mental health professional, who will check in with you and monitor your progress over phone, video, or messaging as you move through 10 structured modules at your own pace.
BounceBackOntario.ca – This free skill-building program is delivered over the phone with a coach, online videos, and electronic workbooks to help individuals aged 15+ manage low mood, stress, and worry.
MindBeacon.com – After completing a brief assessment, you are matched to a registered therapist and complete an individualized CBT program involving readings, activities, and messaging with your therapist. Fees are typically covered by most health benefits plans, but free to Ontario residents during COVID-19.
Recovery Courses – Online learning centres operated by the Canadian Mental Health Association offer these free online courses for adults to learn about mental health and well-being.
CBT Apps
Am I? My Thought Record – Provides a method for tracking the situations that trigger your negative emotions and for evaluating your thoughts using the standard CBT thought record​
CBTi Coach – Guides individuals with symptoms of insomnia to learn about sleep, improve their sleep routines and environment, and improve their quality and quantity of sleep
Centre for Mindfulness Based Studies – Provides audio-recordings for a variety of mindfulness meditations ranging from 3 to 40 minutes in length​
MindShift CBT – Developed by Anxiety Canada to provide tools to help you make lasting change to the thoughts and behaviours that are fueling and maintaining your anxiety
MoodMission – Provides various “missions” to boost your mood
PTSD Coach – Developed by US Department of Veterans Affairs to provide self-help information, symptom tracking, and tools to help you manage PTSD

A wide variety of CBT-based apps are available for download on your smartphone. Although ThinkWell CBT doesn't publically endorse any of the paid apps on the market, check out these apps that are free and do not require a subscription.

These are some of our favourite self-help books. You can work through these on your own, or you and your therapist can discuss how to use them to supplement your therapy.
Self-Help Books
Antony, M. M. & Norton, P. J. (2021). The anti-anxiety program: A workbook of proven strategies to overcome worry, panic, and phobias (2nd ed.). Guilford Press.
Antony, M. M.. & Swinson, R. P. (2008). The shyness and social anxiety workbook: Proven, step-by-step techniques for overcoming your fear (2nd ed.). New Harbinger Publications.
Greenberger, D. & Padesky, C. A. (2015). Mind over mood: Change how you feel by changing the way you think (2nd ed.). Guilford Press.
Robichaud, M. & Dugas, M. (2015). The generalized anxiety disorder workbook: A comprehensive CBT guide for coping with uncertainty, worry, and fear. New Harbinger Publications.
Young, J. E. (1994). Reinventing your life: The breakthough program to end negative behavior...and feel great again. Plume.
Local Services
​A non-profit organization that delivers community-based mental health, addiction and housing services to individuals in Kingston and surrounding counties. Mental health and addiction specialists are available for immediate support, advocacy, and referrals to appropriate services as needed through the 24/7 crisis phone lines.
Kingston & Frontenac: 613-544-4229 or 1-866-616-6005
Lennox & Addington: 613-354-7388 or 1-800-267-7877​​

Telephone Aid Line Kingston (TALK) – 613-544-1771
​A confidential, anonymous, and non-judgmental volunteer-based telephone support service between 6pm and 2am.
Connex Ontario – 1-866-531-2600
Free and confidential information on the mental health and addictions services available in your Ontario community. Support in navigating the mental health system is available via phone, web-chat, and email 24/7.